Rick Bensignor & Josef Schachter – Big Picture Trading Strategies: Gold, GDX, Silver, Copper, Oil & Natural Gas
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans listening! We hope you all are having a great long weekend.
On the Weekend Show we focus on trading strategies and price forecasts for the major metals and energy sectors. Next year, who knows what’s going happen, so we focus on what’s working now and opportunities to come.
We hope you all enjoy the show! Please keep in touch with Shad and I through email. Our email addresses are Fleck@kereport.com and Shad@kereport.com.
- Segment 1 & 2 – Rick Bensignor, President of Bensignor Investment Strategies shares his insights on the commodity sector, including gold’s performance, the potential for GDX and silver, and the outlook for copper. He also delves into the broader market trends, analyzing the S&P, Russell, and the 10-year yield.
- Segment 3 and 4 – Josef Schachter, Founder and Editor of the Schachter Energy Report, wraps up the show focusing on the oil and natural gas markets. Josef discusses current trends in the oil and natural gas markets, including political influences and production data, all in the context of price movements. He examines the disparity between large-cap and small to mid-cap energy companies, highlighting opportunities in individual companies.
Added Silver.
Added BOIL.
Opportunities In Growth-Oriented Silver Producers – Part 6 (Avino Silver / Santacruz Silver)
Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – 11/30/2024
Would anyone be so kind and write the company names Mr. Schachter mentioned down for me? Or at least some of them? Except Bonterra, Gran Tierra and Obisidian I couldn’t understand the names.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot.
Veren Inc.
Alvopetro energy
Ensign energy
Bonterra energy
Thanks, Paul.
BITCON………………………….. follow up……………….. 🙂
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)
Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.) managed hundreds of billions of dollars in her career. She says don’t be taken in by the huge run-up in price for Bitcoin and other digital assets. CAF also says be careful with the latest plan to have a so-called “Bitcoin Depository.” CAF explains, “This is literally a Bitcoin for land-grab swap. . . . So, they take our retirement savings, what’s left of it, and they take our taxes and use it to buy Bitcoin. The Bitcoin billionaires sell their Bitcoin into that at the same time they are taking advantage of the monetization of all the land and minerals. The sell their Bitcoin at the top, and what can they do? They can buy the land. . . . They want out of digital assets, and they want real assets. Right now, the whole race on the planet is to grab the real assets such as land, mineral resources, water resources, etcetera, etcetera. . . . The land ownership of the top 100 landowners of America doubled. They are not buying Bitcoin. They are buying land. Bill Gates is buying farm land. The Harvard Endowment is buying farm land. What you are really seeing is a discussion to sell the unreal assets to the taxpayer and the real assets to private parties. If this succeeds, it will be the biggest robbery and financial scam in the history of the country. . . The smart money is trying to control the real assets.”
The fluctuation of Bitcoin, and similar blockchain derivatives, negates their usage as a currency. The US Dollar is rock solid in comparison.
The D’Artagnan of stability must accompany its medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account characteristics, if money is to be good; Gold based, if monetary expansion is enabled. All of this is possible. BDC
NST.AX offers to buy DEG.AX at 44% premium.
NatGas : Breakout! : Approaching Resistance